Monday, October 20, 2008

Fiorella's Despedida......Bon Voyage with her new familiy!

August 28, 2008
Yet another child who has received a new family! What a blessing to see a child go from having no parents to care for her to two loving parents! She went to Lima first, which I didn't know about, and then came back a little disappointed. She didn't get to see her new parents or spend time with them when she went there to do paperwork or something of that sort. Her father is disabled from a military accident a long time ago, so it was hard for them to come and see her.....but they did! They came and spent almost a week here at the orphanage. They roomed and got to bond with her in apartment 6, which is another reason that Mr. Miller had them built! It was a great time of bonding for them. Being that normally we don't get much time to talk with the families, this time we did. While Fiorella and her new mother went shopping for new things, her dad would stay back and talk and tell stories....kinda reminded me of Uncle Elbert when it comes to story telling! They had a BIG party the night before they left to go and live in Lima! Here are some pictures of the party and of Fiorella and her new family!

Fiorella with her new family!

Partying in the Comedor!

The tables of treats....look at those 2 cakes! One was for Robyn's birthday from Fiorella's parents! How sweet of them!

Some of the boys with Araceli playing a game!

Joel and Yamelit playing a game!

And there isn't a party without singing!!

Fiorella with Samir! He gave her a card!

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