Thursday, December 4, 2008

Our Anabel.....

The day Anabel arrived to Hogar de Esperanza

The day Anabel showed any interest in me! I was SOOO excited I had tears in my eyes!

Anabel's Story

What a beautiful little girl! Anabel came to us while I was sick a few weeks back. She is 5 years old. She had a rough childhood including physical abuse, like most of the children that are here. She also had a fear of school. It really broke my heart for a week or so. Every time she would see me she would scream and throw herself in a rage. We didn't know what it was at first, but found out it was a fear of school. While I was in Lima voting, she decided she wanted to go to school with Miss Aly, and has been there since! She LOVES going to class now, which is awesome! I came back and on that following Wednesday she came and sat on my lap with a huge smile on my face. I was so happy. She wanted me to take pictures of us, so I did. This is the amazing transformation God has done in this little girl! Please pray for her as she is continuing to heal from her past. Here are some pictures of her and the ones she wanted of us:

She is a happy girl now!

She wanted these pictures....and now she is always hanging all over us! We LOVE that!!

Isn't she "wonderfully made"? She is definitely another one of God's beautiful creations!

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