Saturday, January 12, 2008

Summer School begins!!!

Wow, time has flown! We started the summer school program January 7th. I still have my Kinder class with the pequenitos from 8:30 AM to 12:00 PM. Then I am helping with a craft class, which WE are learning how to crochet. Then I have a class of different types of games and activities. It is used for socialization and learning team building. We have had beach and team building themes already, but more to come. Here are some pictures of the programs I am apart of. We have 14 programs in total, and Robyn is in the process of putting more on her blog if you would like to read her blog.

We have a theme each week with the Kinder class. This week was Creation. They learned Genesis 1:1, and we sang LOTS of songs! Erika is the one who learns the most. Jose David and Zuleika still have a hard time talking, but they are getting better. Jose David has a much larger vocabulary now!!

Erika learning her colors with the blocks, counting them as she puts them on, and learning to stack well.

Zuleika using her fine motor skills with this toy. She loves to make patterns and also put alike colors together.

Jose David putting the shapes in the shape ball. We learn our "formas" and our colors with this toy.

Craft time!!!
We are learning how to crochet!

The girls learning how to crochet.

Italo may not be able to communicate well, but he LOVES to do things with his hands. He is very artistic and loves to crochet also.

Nanci teaching Vanessa to crochet!

"Juegos!!!" Game time!
We climbed the sand dunes and talked about things as the beach. They have a word that the need to remember every week. This week it is "Oceano Pacifico," which is the Pacific Ocean. That is the main body of water that is near here! They loved climbing the dunes and talking about the beach.

The Older Group during Beach Week

Climbing the sand dunes, and helping each other out!
From left to right: Danni, Davis, Franklin, Junior, and Italo

Having fun! Running with each other in the sand.
From left to right: Junior, Italo, Danni, Franklin, and Davis

This is Franklin and Italo. I had them fill buckets of water and take them to the sand because we were going to make sand castles.

They are all helping each other dig to make their castle.
From left to right: Junior, Italo, Franklin, and Davis

Finishing up their sand castle.
From left to right: Italo, Davis, Franklin and Danni

Finishing up their sand castles.
From left to right: Franklin, Danni, and Junior

The Younger Group during Beach Week
Climbing the Sand Dunes!
They don't get to go often to the dunes because they are smaller, but they do just fine and listen the whole time. They know that if one misbehaves then we go back to the orphanage and no more going to the dunes.
From left to right: Brigette, Isaias, Abel, and Yerson

Here they are having fun running in the sand.
From left to right: Brigette, Isaias, Abel, and Yerson

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